Earth Observation for Ecosystem Accounting (EO4EA) is an initiative within the Group on Earth Observation (GEO)

The purpose of the initiative is to further the development and use of Earth Observations for natural capital accounting (NCA) consistent with the set of standards and guidelines put forth by the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) and specifically the Ecosystem Accounts (EA). We are a diverse community of practice that includes members from the public sector, private enterprise, academia, and Non-Government Organizations. The initiative includes participants from both the Earth Observation and Ecosystem Accounting communities in order to facilitate the interdisciplinary approach needed to address key challenges. Ecosystem Accounts are designed to provide a better understanding of the interaction of environment and natural resources with the economy and the broader societal benefits, generating results useful to land and resource managers, project designers, and policy makers. Using a systematic and repeatable accounts-based approach allows the state and trends of resource stocks and conditions to be tracked over time, which enable post account assessments such as the efficacy of programs, projects, and policies.


Work Stream 1: Case Studies and Synthesis


Seeks to highlight case studies and applications of ecosystem accounting. Of the 80 countries that have compiled some kind of SEEA account and looking forward to those 50 countries that hope to implement EA specifically, we don’t know how many are using Earth observation. EO4EA aims to shed light on those successful examples to inform other countries developing their earth observation strategy to conduct accounting.  Additionally, a synthesis will focus on how Earth observation data has been used in various case studies at national and sub-national levels.

Work Stream 2: Ecosystem Extent and Condition


Will develop and test methods for delineating ecosystem extent and assessing ecosystem condition. The ecosystem extent account provides the foundation for ecosystem accounting and is critical for the characterization of ecosystem services. Ecosystem condition reflects the vitality of ecosystems and their ability to provide ecosystem services. The work stream will focus on technical application of Earth observation data to support the ecosystem extent and condition accounts and much of EO4EA’s early focus will be placed here as the foundation effort that enables the other sequential elements of the account.


Work Stream 3: Identification, Measurement and Monitoring of Ecosystem Services


Will advance ecosystem service identification, measurement and monitoring through the application of Earth observation. The methods developed will seek to directly or indirectly assess the provision of ecosystem services and the value that they provide. The work stream will explore the wide range of approaches and tools that can be used to measure and model ecosystem services and identify how Earth observation data can be used to inform such estimates.

Work Stream 4: Implementation and Capacity Building


Will lead the capacity building, pilot testing and implementation of ecosystem accounting at the sub-national and national scale. Support will be given to governments and partners seeking to implement ecosystem accounting and integrate it within the system of national economic accounts. The work stream will focus on identifying barriers to implementation, developing materials for outreach and education, and advancing the application of ecosystem accounting with Earth observation.